
Rachel Chevallier Faustino
Psychologue psychothérapeute FSP
61, rue Prévost-Martin
1205 Genève - Suisse

Located in the heart of Geneva on "Place des Augustins", the office is easily reached by tram, bus or car. Parking at the nearest Coop or Migros on rue Dancet as well as on the street. 

For messages and emails, please use the following contacts:

Answering machine: +41 22 7323240

SMS only: +41 79 7789285

E-mail: info(at)  -  rchevallier(at)  (Make sure that you did write the double "l" in my name "Chevallier")

I appreciate emailing most as there is less chance for me to miss your message. It allows me to respond calmly to your questions once I am sitting in front of my computer, either in the evening or the following morning.

For emergency care, PLEASE contact the emergency room closest to your location. 




Rachel Chevallier Faustino, FSP psychologist psychotherapist Therapist Genève Therapist